Rebecca Lacouture, co-founder of Silk Therapeutics - an expert in natural silk biomaterials, while working with her partner, Gregory Altman, the pair bring to skincare over two decades of combined research and industry experience creating silk-based medical and consumer health products.
She co-founded Silk Therapeutics to provide consumers with clean products made with safe ingredients that support health without compromise. Dr. Lacouture, recently married, keeps military time, and when not in the lab can be found kayaking or relaxing at the beach.
Rebecca Lacouture
Life’s Work:
Leaving a better place for my son’s generation and those to come thereafter. We’re leveraging Liquid Silk to replace harsh chemicals and micro-plastic in consumer goods and have a genuine opportunity to offer performance and peace-of-mind.
Advice that helped me realize my vision:
Trust your gut.
Biggest risk:
Changing course and deciding to pursue my PhD instead of continuing toward med school as I had always dreamed of doing. Turned out to be a great decision.
Biggest flop:
Literally? Passing out in the first orthopaedic surgery I observed as an undergrad. I was determined to get back up and try again, eventually going on to lead our Clinical Research team, observing surgeries around the world.
I wish I could tell my younger self:
Take time every day to reflect on and celebrate the small accomplishments of the day.
My power suit is:
Jeans. Hoodie. Pony-tail. I’m a “no frills” girl daily and only rock the heels when absolutely necessary. :)
Every morning I:
kiss my husband and son as we head our separate ways, grounding myself with my family before the craziness of the day sets in.
International Women’s Day to me means:
we can enjoy an opportunity to acknowledge those women who have challenged us and cheered for us (my mom and my high school math teacher, Miss T) as we find our way.
I had my Aha! moment when:
At 27 I was diagnosed with cancer.
If I wasn’t running my own business, I would be:
walking the beach with my family and dog, toes in the sand.Name: Rebecca Lacouture.
That’s a wrap on our International Women’s Day 12 Days of Inspirational Women series! Don’t let the celebration end here though, women achievement and progress should be celebrated every day. On behalf of our Think Dirty Team, we congratulate all the ladies out there on their long journey for equal rights and opportunities. Heads up, the future is female!
Tweet us and share who’s the awesome women that inspires you. Tag @thinkdirty and hashtag #IWD2018 !
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