Think Dirty Blog — skincare-tips
Soak up the summer without getting a sunburn: Alternatives to wearing sunscreen
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While basking in the direct sun for hours on end sounds like a dreamy summer day, it can be quite a nightmare for your skin. Sunburns can be incredibly painful and with prolonged, unprotected UV ex...
More than just a pretty flower: The not-so-talked-about benefits of tulips
skin-care-products skincare-tips spring-flowers tulip tulips-flower
Every year in spring, people choose to brighten up their homes with tulips. What most people don’t know is that tulips, like roses, have benefits that extend far beyond adding a pop of colour to a ...
The 411 on Skin Cycling
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Have you ever heard of skin cycling? It’s a new beauty trend that is taking the internet by storm. Skin cycling is the process of using a different product on your skin each day, and some people sw...