Think Dirty Blog — breast cancer
Battling Breast Cancer in Men: Tips for Early Detection
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Each October the world lends its attention to Breast Cancer Awareness but little light is shed on breast cancer in men. This year we’d like to focus on the smaller but still significant number of m...
Top 5 Ways to Broaden Your Breast Cancer Awareness this October
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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and it is important to be aware of the risks and signs of this disease.
Pink Ribbons Inc. — Sales For A “Good Cause”
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Pink Ribbons Inc. — Sales For A “Good Cause”

The other day, as I was restocking my toilet paper, I noticed a small section dedicated to breast cancer support on the packaging. Like many other so-called “pinkwashing items,” toilet paper is one of many smeared in pink and pink ribbons around the time of October.
The pink ribbon has become a synonymous symbol with breast cancer in the world. From pink...
Breast Cancer Month 2020: California Steps Up to the Plate
breast-cancer breast-cancer-awareness california law policy

This Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we wanted to share some good news. In California, over the past month, 3 landmark acts have been approved. These acts concern the regulation of harmful chemicals that have been linked to breast cancer, among many other serious health concerns.
If you are familiar with what we do at Think Dirty, you may already be aware of the links between exposure to oft-used...
Key Facts on Breast Cancer

Many women know that breast cancer is a serious and widespread issue affecting women of all ages. Even with all the medical and technological advances we have, the incidence rate is still on the rise globally. Cancer modelling predicts further increases in incidence and mortality in the future. Here are some key facts you might not be aware of:
- Where you live is a factor in your chances of...