Think Dirty Blog — breastcancerfund
#WorldCancerDay is Everyday
breastcancerfund prevention shopclean thinkdirty worldcancerday

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Today marks #WorldCancerDay a global event that takes place every year on February 4th. Founded by the Union for International Cancer Control by the Paris Charter at the World Summit Against Cancer for the New Milleniumin Paris on February 4th, 2000. The initiative for this significant day is to unite the world’s population in the fight against cancer, raise...
#WorldCancerDay is Everyday
breastcancerfund prevention shopclean thinkdirty worldcancerday

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Today marks #WorldCancerDay a global event that takes place every year on February 4th. Founded by the Union for International Cancer Control by the Paris Charter at the World Summit Against Cancer for the New Milleniumin Paris on February 4th, 2000. The initiative for this significant day is to unite the world’s population in the fight against cancer, raise...