Think Dirty Blog — hand-sanitizer
The Next Generation of Antimicrobial Products
antimicrobial-resistance coronavirus covid19 hand-sanitizer health

We are living in a strange time and everyone looking to stay clean and safe. Hand sanitizer has become a coveted item and is sold out everywhere. Companies are continuously working toward solutions that will help keep people safe every day. BLDG Activewas founded on that principle long before the novel coronavirus. They design antimicrobial sprays and hydrogels that keep skin free from any...
Natural Soaps vs. Hand Sanitizers: What Works Best?
coronavirus covid19 hand-sanitizer health soap

Hi everyone! This is a Think Dirty PSA about the efficacy of hand sanitizers vs. soaps vs. “natural” hand sanitizers vs. “natural” soaps. With the oversaturation of COVID-19-related articles in the media, we have seen some misinformation about which products are best to use for hygiene practices and in reducing transmission of coronavirus/COVID-19. We are at a critical point in time and we want to...