When juggling work, family, and social life, exercise is usually the first thing to get the boot. Plus, your couch usually calls your name after a long day at the office, followed by running errands and grocery shopping. But physical activity is important for everyone, no matter their fitness level or schedule.
We’ve rounded up some helpful workout tips for beginners and those who always seem too busy to exercise.

1. Consider a morning workout
If you’re ready for bed by 6 p.m., exercising in the morning before heading to work might be more feasible. This way, you don’t have the thought of “I need to work out tonight” looming over your head all day. Alternatively, some prefer going to the gym, attending a group fitness class, or walking on lunch breaks.

2. Walk, walk, walk!
Those who are short on time can get their exercise (and steps) in by walking to their work, kids’ school, or when running errands. It’s always a great idea to replace driving with walking as it saves gas and is better for your health.

3. Get active with your friends
Instead of meeting up once a week to go out for dinner, attend a yoga class or hike with your friends. Exercise won’t feel like exercise when you’re socializing with your buddies at the same time.
4. Opt for high-intensity, short workouts
Working out doesn’t have to take up an hour of your time. There are tons of short at-home workout videos on YouTube that will have you sweating just as much as you would during a longer workout at a gym.
5. Reward yourself
Sometimes all it takes is a little motivation to keep up with an exercise plan when you’re busy or just getting into working out. Set a goal for yourself and think of something you’ll treat yourself to once you achieve the goal. For example, commit to walking to work three times a week for a month and reward yourself with a new workout outfit.
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5 Workout tips for people who are always busy was originally published in Think Dirty on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.