Think Dirty Blog — shopclean

Our fave tweets from fans!

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5 Ways to a Clean Cosmetics Product Makeover

clean cosmetics makeover shelf life shopclean think dirty

2013 has officially settled in, but don’t get too comfortable! The best way to welcome it is by looking over your daily skincare regime and doing it a favour. Make 2013 the year to care for your body by actively learning about the daily products you use and their health effects. Think Dirty’s goal is to empower consumers in choosing the right products that are toxic-free and here are some tips...

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5 Ways to a Clean Cosmetics Product Makeover

clean cosmetics makeover shelf life shopclean think dirty

2013 has officially settled in, but don’t get too comfortable! The best way to welcome it is by looking over your daily skincare regime and doing it a favour. Make 2013 the year to care for your body by actively learning about the daily products you use and their health effects. Think Dirty’s goal is to empower consumers in choosing the right products that are toxic-free and here are some tips...

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